by sandbox_fjnb0v | May 31, 2020
Granville Island Scan Granville Island scan: Trimble TX5, 11 scans at 1/4 resolution. ←...
by sandbox_fjnb0v | May 30, 2020
Chinatown Scan We scanned one of Vancouver’s most recognizable intersections: West Pender and Carrall Street in historical Chinatown. Built in 1913, the Sam Kee building (now Jack Chow Insurance) is one of the main tourist attractions in Chinatown. At only 1.83...
by sandbox_fjnb0v | May 29, 2020
Residential House Scan Residential house. Scanned with a Trimble TX5 at 1.4 resolution at highest quality. ←...
by sandbox_fjnb0v | May 28, 2020
Strathcona Industrial Park Scan Industrial park located in east Vancouver, BC. This is a great example of hoe teh scanner can preserve data – many of these buildings no longer exist. ←...
by sandbox_fjnb0v | May 27, 2020
DIGITAL TIME CAPSULE 3D laser scanning is the ultimate tool for gathering, analysing and presenting spatial data and environmental factors. Ideal for quickly capturing incident scenes at a high level of detail, the scanner collects photo-realistic point data which can...
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